Label Everything!
Combo Special CHSLD
Vêtements: Polycoton blanc imprimés en noir Ne s'efface pas et ne décolle pas au lavage
Objets et anti-vol: Vinyle autocollant très robuste Résiste au lave-vaisselle et aux micro-ondes
- Clothing labels stick with an iron and do not come off when washing, even in Institutional machines. For synthetic fabrics,
cover with a sheet of parchment paper and you can stick them on all types of fabrics.
*Also available without glue for people who prefer to sew them
- The personal items labels are made of very resistant self-adhesive vinyl with extra-strong glue.
- Anti-theft labels are impossible to remove. They were designed to protect family assets when the person dies. High demand forces establishments to empty the room quickly and staff store these items in a common storage room until families return to collect them. It is common for these items to disappear when another family claims it belongs to them. When these family assets are identified, they remain on site and staff can better control their properties.
300 labels included
- Clothing = 2 x 96 iron-on labels ½"x2½"
Iron-On or Sew-On types available - For items = 1 x 96 self-adhesive vinyl labels ½"x2½"
- Anti-theft = 12 large labels 1½"x3"
printed in large red letters
Format of 1 to 2 lines of text: :
The same name or text is repeated on the three types of labels
* Multiple Combo have the same name as the first Combo
- 1 line of text
- 49,95$
- 2 lines of text
- 55,95$
Plan ahead, buy enough !
Order in. 3 easy steps
- Download and print it or fill out the
order form on screen and then send it to us by email or fax - Get the address of our retailers and place your order to the store